
Controversial Clinical Guideline Updates 2018

American Diabetes Association Type 2 Diabetes 2018 relaxed Hemoglobin A1c criteria with a focus on patient-centered care. Focus on reducing cardiovascular risk management. Online updates throughout the year based upon… Continue reading

Safe Prescribing – Rely on the Evidence

Science changes daily and influences clinical practice and prescribing patterns. Test your knowledge on new and older data. What is effective and safe. Did you know: Daily Aspirin is NOT… Continue reading

Historic Medicare Changes: Patient vs. Paperwork

This week the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) proposed historic changes that bring the nation one step closer to a modern healthcare system delivering better care for Americans… Continue reading

National Guideline Clearning House – No More!

Due to Federal budget cuts the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), who manages the National Guideline Clearing House will no longer provide an active website after July 16,… Continue reading

Costliest U.S. Patient Population

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), in 2017 reported: 81% of hospital admissions; 91% of prescriptions filled; 76% of health-provider visits; 75% of home healthcare visits Are Medicare… Continue reading

Largest, Fastest Growing and Costliest U.S. Patient Population

Currently, 81% of hospital admissions, 91% of prescriptions filled, 76% of health-provider visits and 75% of home healthcare visits are for Medicare patients living with chronic conditions. Of these 85%… Continue reading

2018 Healthcare Trends Predicted by the Health Research Institute (HRI)

HRI released “Top Health Industry Issues of 2018” and predict the New Year will be distinguished by persistent uncertainty and risk for the US health industry and likely mirroring 2017.… Continue reading

Administration says using the terms “Evidence and Science-Based” are not politically correct

Last year the CDC reported medical mistakes as the 3rd leading cause of adult death in the US – the use and implementation of scientific data and evidence-based practice reduces… Continue reading

Turf War Between the American Medical Association and the American Nurses Association

Without the use of data, we cannot participate in good practice patterns that yield positive patient-centered outcomes. All healthcare should be practiced from a team approach and not driven by… Continue reading

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