Last year the CDC reported medical mistakes as the 3rd leading cause of adult death in the US – the use and implementation of scientific data and evidence-based practice reduces morbidity and mortality by relying on current, relevant and credible data to direct practice patterns. The CDC, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, National Quality Forum, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, American Medical Association, National Academy of Medicine, National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, and all the medical societies, associations, organizations, academic medical centers and all entities who contribute to the development of evidence based practice through credible and quality research – research that populates the guidelines held under the National Guideline Clearinghouse – and determine standard of care. After decades of science and evidence – this language is now considered taboo. This administration does not endorse excellence in the new era of value and quality – Practicing under anecdote will continue to perpetuate the 3rd leading cause of death in the US, by not thinking, using or speaking the words “evidence or science-based.”